This is the Typescript playground of useful examples which can save you a hell lot of time and help you mastering typescript with efficient implementation for type safety covering those cases which usually bother you when you encounter them. These cases can considerably improve your knowledge of Typescript and help… Read more »
IMPORTANT POINTS TO INTEGRATE TINYMCE REACT This is the easiest and shortest way of integration of react tinymce. We will download the absolutely free TinyMCE SDK and keep the tinymce’s tinymce.min.js in our project directory. You can download the SDK from We also need to install the tinymce-react package…. Read more »
CUSTOMIZE FILE UPLOAD BUTTON USING MUI COMPONENT We have to use three MUI component here to customize the file upload button TextField of type =’file’ InputLabel which will be attached to upload button Textfield using its “id” in htmlFor props. Then we have to put the Button component inside the… Read more »
HOW CUSTOMIZATION IS DONE IN REACT DATE RANGE PICKER In this blog, React Date Range Picker has been customized so that we can cover as many use cases as possible. CSS has been customized to change the design of the calendar. You can read the comments given in the source… Read more »
Key Points To Make React Progress Bar I am using two Material UI components called LinearProgress & CircularProgress to create the Linear Progress Bar & Circular Progress bar . For formatting the seconds to show the remaining time on the timer, I am using Moment JS. To run the timer… Read more »
Inputs of type=”number” have below usability issues: In chrome it allows certain non-numeric characters like (‘e’, ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘.’) and in Firefox it allows all non-numeric characters. It has up and down arrows which is used to increment or decrement the number but sometimes it is observed that user accidentally… Read more »
1. HOW TO ADD MAX AND MIN LIMIT TO THE MATERIAL UI (MUI) TEXTFIELD COMPONENT We can use the inputProps for setting the min and max value on the TextField. Below is the example with the TextField of type=date. We are setting the max value to the current date so that… Read more »
Criminal activities in terms of stealing or theft has a history of its own. If researched well, it not only brings out interesting yet devious ideas that thieves used. It also reveals an internal war which was and is still is heinous then the 2nd world war itself. A war… Read more »
The global market is flooded with products of different brands with buyers having a plethora of options. To either go for the costly ones or settle for cheaper substitutes of the same product. Indeed, the market condition is such that every company or manufacturer out there is joining the race… Read more »
You received a call from a reputed company who has shortlisted your name for a job opening, however, you are in doubt whether that company is legitimate or not. What do you do? You want to do MBA through distance learning but you are not sure from where to pursue… Read more »